Calvary Cemetery

Brief History Timeline:

1872 - On October 3, St. Rose Parish purchased a 5 acre tract west of DeSoto from Samuel Prentis for $200 to be used as a church cemetery.


1884 - Earliest recorded burial - an infant Cain. There are 48 recorded burials from 1884 - 1889.


1911 - Father William Noonan (Pastor from 1892 - 1911) willed 6 acres (Section V) where the Sacred Heart statue is placed in the cemetery.


1986 - Families of Calvary Cemetery formed.


1990 - Cemetery maintenance building constructed.


1993 - Mausoleum dedicated May 31st. Stained glass window of "The Welcoming Christ" designed by Frank Stanton, Jr.

of the world famous   Emil Frei & Associates.


1995 - John Bruton, the Prime Minister of Ireland visits the grave of John Brierton, his great-grand-uncle and one of the founders of Festus in 1887.


2014 - The Ron Mayer family donates a 5-acre tract of land east of the original cemetery.


2017 - A near life size crucifixion scene of Jesus with his Blessed Mother and St. John was erected thanks to a generous anonymous donor.



2022 – Families of Calvary Cemetery celebrated 150th Anniversary.

                                                             CRUCIFIXION SCENE OF JESUS                                                                        WITH THE BLESSED MOTHER AND                                                                                              ST. JOHN                                                       
                                                                           YEAR DEDICATED


Qualified Charitable Distribution                                                                            IRA holders have the opportunity to make tax-free distributions from their IRAs to qualified charitable organizations. For tax-free eligibility, the Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) must be sent directly from the IRA payable to the receiving qualified 501C (3) non-profit organization.                  


Dear Friends of Families of Calvary Cemetery,

As another year rolls around for our Annual Appeal Letter we hope this letter is finding you and your family safe and healthy. We thank you sincerely for all your previous donations.


The 2022 Appeal Letter brought in $ 19,860.00.


$ 12,140.00 went to our Maintenance Fund, $ 5,845.00 went to our Perpetual Fund and $ 1,875.00 went toward our New Gate Fund.


This year thanks to the Maintenance Fund we were able to upgrade the door and louver on our Maintenance Building. At the Mausoleum we resealed all windows along with upgrading the entry door.


A big shout out and “Thank You!” to each and every one of you for the continued support you give to Families of Calvary Cemetery each year!


If you wish to make a donation this year, please fill out and send back your donation in the self-addressed envelope.


In addition to whatever financial gift, you are able to make at the present time, you can help Calvary Cemetery through your will or trust or IRA’s, contact your financial advisor.


Be sure of our appreciation and prayers. May the good Lord bless your goodness, and may He return your generosity to you many times over.


We are sincerely grateful for your continued financial support.

The Families of Calvary Cemetery

Fr. Alex Anderson, Pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish and the Board of Families of Calvary Cemetery: Larry Krodinger, Robert Mueller, Cary Blum, Linda Coleman, Connie Tolbert, Dan Byers, Gary Doyen & Judy Dubuque

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